Saving turf is hard work

As soon as the turf has been cut by the machine, it’s sitting in long snakes in the wind and sun, forming a crust on the outside.  It then needs to be divided into sods, as shown in my previous post.  That was what the other turf cutters did almost immediately, but with one thing and another, we’ve been a bit slower.  V did a lot while I was away at the weekend, thankfully, but there was still plenty to do.

Unfortunately, the delay meant that this evening when I went up on top of the bog where our cut turf was laid out, I found the remaining turf quite unyielding to the “pizza cutter with long handle” device that a friendly local leant us.  It’s an old angle grinder blade welded to a metal pole – clever stuff.  Some time later, I’d cut most of our turf, but there’s still some to go… it really didn’t glide through.

The weather was pretty good for working this evening at least – a mixture of sun and hail (!).  A cuckoo called persistently in the distance as I hacked through the turf – apparently in Ireland their “host” species is often the meadow pipit, which we’ve definitely seen around.


1 Comment

  1. So have you got to transport it all to the house to be placed under sty storage?

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