Caught up in your wishing well

The verdict from the pump engineer was that the well wasn’t Wet Wet Wet enough (an appalling reference to the post title), and they were keen for us to look into getting another one drilled.  I’m a lot less enthusiastic about spending more money that we don’t have on something we might not need.  The pump is rated at 30 litres / minute, and runs out of water after about 30 minutes.  I think average water consumption per person is supposed to be around 150 litres / day.  Consequently, the best course of action seems to be to see how we go.  Oh, and I’ll make sure I get the first shower each day 🙂

I’ll be doing more measurements over the course of the weekend to see what the actual flow rate and recovery time is over more samples, but I really don’t think it’s as bad as they’re making out.

We’ve now got this weekend and the one after to complete the move – I did some more painting this evening in between well testing, so we’re getting closer to it looking habitable.  Flooring is a nice-to-have, as is a proper bed.