…. since then, things have been pretty busy.
The best event was my mum and dad coming over to visit for a week – their first trip to Ireland and the sun mostly shone. Since I wasn’t working at the time I was able to go around the area with them, not that I’m much of a tour guide being just a blow-in here.
I also got a contract at long last – I’m now working on cloud computing stuff for a multinational manufacturer. It’s quite interesting, and a substantial departure from previous office environments set within a factory – this one has sunlight and no buckets collecting rainwater in the roof (to the best of my knowledge).
Probably the oddest thing to happen within the last month (geopolitical events notwithstanding) was the other weekend when we were out on the bog measuring up for curtains, etc. V heard a car coming down the drive (which is very much a dirt track still).
We went around to the front of the house to greet the visitors, assuming they’d be neighbours having a nose around. Imagine our surprise when we discovered a car full of people looking up at us expectantly. What are the chances that we’d get doorstepped by some Jehovah’s Witnesses in the middle of nowhere on a Saturday afternoon?
It was quite worrying watching their car trying to turn around to leave with the wheels sliding in the mud. Unfortunately for them, they left full-handed (of Watchtowers). At least they didn’t try the “science has no answers to global warming, so God will sort it out” approach employed by the last lot I spoke with in England… maybe it doesn’t work so well if you’re visiting people who are happy to cut and burn peatland with wild abandon until there’s nothing left. See this site for more info on that.