Bad news doesn’t always travel fast…

No updates for a while as I was waiting to see how the house renovation played out.  It turns out that the builder leaving everything until the last minute has resulted in nothing being done in time.

I’ve dealt with quite a few project managers in my time, and certain among them seemed to deliberately put projects in peril in order to pull off a triumph at the last minute (as they were quite good in a crisis).  That’s not the case now – the builder has been distracted by participating in the local version of Strictly Come Dancing, and seems pretty indifferent to our end of the month deadline.

Everything’s apparently out of his hands – the electrician completed his work (last week, after many weeks of doing nothing on it) and the ESB need the wiring documentation before they’ll come and move the meter.  Once they’ve got that, it’ll take up to 10 days to do the job.  I phoned the ESB and they don’t have the documentation yet.

The plumber is unkeen to finish his work until the water is available.  From the well.  That needs electricity to operate the pump.

What the electrician has done isn’t entirely what we asked for, in that he’s placed sockets where they’ll be in the way of the dresser, a switch for the bathroom that won’t be possible to activate, and my favourite: the sockets where the curtain rail used to be in the sitting room.  The photo attached shows the offending articles, and where the curtain rail used to be fixed.  I wonder how he thinks we’ll be hanging the curtains – perhaps from a cable?

Hoping to get another two weeks renting where we are now, but unsure how that’ll pan out.  The beatings will start soon…